Neuroscience for Coaches

10 Easy Neuroscience Strategies You Can Use Right Now to Help Your Clients Break Through Their Mental Barriers and Achieve Their Goals

Learn how you can create better results and lasting transformation for your clients.

Select the time and date that's best for you

Tuesday, December 17th

12 noon ET (Montreal)

Tuesday, December 17th

6 pm ET (Montreal)

Click here to view the times in your local time zone.

You'll discover:

  • The neuroscience of willpower — and the REAL secret to developing unshakeable discipline
  • How to hack your client’s “progress loop” so their motivation remains high naturally
  • A surprisingly simple trick for overcoming procrastination and getting more done in a day
  • How visualization can actually PREVENT your clients from achieving their goals — and what they should do instead
  • A “like-magic” technique for creating instant focus, so your clients can do more of what matters to them
  • Why avoiding stress isn’t always healthy — and what to do instead
  • How (and when) to multitask without compromising focus and productivity
  • 8 ways to boost insight and generate more flashes of genius — so your clients can bring more creativity to their toughest problems
  • Why most affirmations don’t work — and how to REALLY help your clients change their thought patterns (and their lives)

Yes! Save Me a Seat in the Training on August 24th!

Tuesday, December 17th

12 noon ET (Montreal)

Tuesday, December 17th

6 pm ET (Montreal)

Click here to view the times in your local time zone.

Your Webinar Host:

Dr. Irena O'Brien, PhD

The Neuroscience School

Dr. Irena O’Brien, PhD, is a cognitive neuroscientist and has been studying psychology and neuroscience for over 25 years. She founded The Neuroscience School to un-complicate neuroscience and teach practical evidence-based tools and strategies that coaches and helping professionals can use in their practice. The Neuroscience School has a Certificate Programme in Applied Neuroscience offering 24 CCEUs with the ICF.

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