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Work with Your Brain, Not against Your Brain

The Self-Study Plan includes unlimited access to our 16 premium Masterclasses, their updates and upgrades. As a self-study student, you'll also have access to new Masterclasses as and when they are added. The Masterclasses are in video and audio format, and include pdfs of the slides and transcripts, so you'll be able to access them when and where you like.

This Self-Study Plan is ideal for you if you're someone who likes to learn on your own or at your own pace.

As soon as you join, you have access to the following for one year:

  • 15 premium Masterclasses, together with their updates and upgrades.
  • New Masterclasses as and when they are added.
  • Digests of Emerging Research. These are summaries of brand new research of interest to you and your clients, and posted regularly.

Get Access to all of these Masterclasses when you enrol.

Meet Your Brain

Neuroplasticity: How to Make Change Stick

Focus and Decision-Making

Willpower and Motivation

The Neuroscience of Stress

Gut-Brain Connection

Exercise and Brain Health

Sleep and Brain Health

Science of Flow

New Neuroscience of Emotion

Creativity and Problem-Solving

Flow in Teams

Neuroscience of Relationships

Creating Strong Habits


Irena's course has taken groundbreaking research and turned it into an easy to grasp, interactive training. For anyone wanting to gain deeper understanding of people and their emotions and who want to up-skill in a practical way - this course cannot be missed! 

Dr. Alan Fayter, DCH


The Neuroscience School provides complete & comprehensive suite of resources and information to draw and learn from. The knowledge I have accumulated this past year, has helped me to train, connect and lead at higher levels of human ability. 

Eva Jenkins


Thank you for your calm and clear approach to teaching. The sessions have resonated with me on a personal and professional level and I am already integrating changes into daily life. In my opinion, this course was professionally delivered and immediately applicable to your or your clients lives.

Dr. Charlotte Tedds



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