Master the Art of Coaching with Neuroscience

Hone your coaching skills, boost your confidence, and deliver

outstanding results in less time

“I can create significant change in 25 minutes.”

That’s what my friend and colleague Caroline told me recently.

Caroline has been integrating neuroscience into her coaching practice for years now – and the results have been dramatic.

Caroline was already a very good coach – but now she’s even more present with her clients and her coaching process has become hyper-efficient:

“I can zero in on what the client needs. The neuroscience has helped me not go down rabbit holes. I know exactly which avenues are going to bring me where I need to go. Neuroscience helps me filter out the noise.”

In fact, Caroline’s coaching has gotten so effective that she is thinking about eliminating her hour-long sessions.

And she’s not the only one to get results like these!

April Scott

April Scott works with a company that offers 30-minute coaching sessions. At first she was nervous about getting results in such a short time – but with her neuroscience knowledge, she’s found that 30 minutes is actually plenty of time!

And Will Russell’s coaching sessions are so effective that he now enrolls 25% more clients from introductory sessions!

And more streamlined and transformative coaching sessions are just the beginning.

Coaches who incorporate neuroscience into their practice report that they feel more confident, have more control over their sessions, are able to build trust and rapport faster, and help clients achieve more profound results.

And that doesn’t even get into the business benefits of being able to coach like this:

  • Rising reputation
  • More referrals
  • More enrolments
  • Higher rates
  • Bigger contracts
  • Working less
  • Earning more

Sounds great, right?

So how do you become a sought-after coach who

produces rapid client transformation??

You’ve earned your Certificate in Applied Neuroscience – so you already have a lot of the knowledge and tools you need to elevate your coaching skills.

But I’ve heard over and over from past students that the Certificate Program is like drinking from a firehose. Students learn a lot… but they sometimes struggle to actually coach what they’ve learned.

That’s because it’s one thing to understand the neuroscience…

It’s another thing entirely to embody the neuroscience. To have integrated it so thoroughly into your coaching practice that you use it without thinking.

In other words, to achieve coaching flow.

That kind of integration takes practice – and lots of it.

I want you to have that kind of confidence and flow in your coaching practice.

And it’s why Caroline and I put our heads together to offer…



The Next Level program is an applied learning experience – open only to students like you who have completed the Certificate Program in Applied Neuroscience.

I lead this program, alongside my friend and colleague, Caroline Leroux-Boulay. Caroline is a talented coach who excels at integrating neuroscience into every aspect of her coaching. Between the two of us, you’ll know the neuroscience inside and out… and you’ll know just how to apply it in your practice.

In the Next Level program, you work at 3 levels:

  1. 1
    You dig deeper into the neuroscience concepts and their practical applications.
  2. 2
    You explore how those concepts apply to you as a coach.
  3. 3
    You explore (and practice) how they apply to your clients.

The program is designed to fully integrate neuroscience tools and insights into your coaching. It involves lots of deep practice and personalized feedback – so you can confidently coach major transformations for your clients.

Master the skills that will make you stand out as a coach

Here’s what you’ll master in the Next Level program:

  • Coaching Flow: Thoroughly integrate your neuroscience learning with your coaching practice, so you can easily access flow and enjoy heightened focus, enhanced creativity, and effortless performance during your coaching sessions.
  • Swift Problem Solving:  Hone in on the specific neuroscience concepts that apply to your coaching niche, so you use your strategies and tools with more intention and intervene more effectively.
  • Precise Interventions:  Set up yourself and clients for the shortest, fastest route to success. Avoid using incorrect information that can derail progress.
  • Overcome Client Hesitation: Develop your own powerful strategies for dissolving client resistance, so you can build a seamless pathway to open dialogue and transformative insights.
  • Hyper-Efficient Sessions: Streamline your coaching, avoiding distractions and rabbit holes, making every minute count. Forge deeper connections faster, laying the foundation for genuine, transformative conversations.
  • Get to the Heart of the Issue: Quickly and clearly identify the client’s deeper issue, so you can offer more impactful coaching in less time.
  • Confidence Boost: Emerge more self-assured in your coaching competencies.
  • Psychological Safety: Practice psychological safety with your peers, so you understand how to create it in your own sessions and transmit it to your clients.
  • Objective Coaching Excellence: Perfect the art of holding space, empowering clients without imposing biases, and ensuring they lead their own journey of change.

Experiential learning to transform your coaching practice

We've designed the program to be experiential and profoundly transformative -- so you can find your own coaching flow and routinely coach from an effortless state of mastery and competence.

Here’s what you can expect inside the program: 

  • Experiential Learning: You will go through the same steps of changes as you will later guide your clients through, so you understand the process of transformation at a deep, experiential level.
  • Personal Development: We teach the course using the actual mechanisms of neuroplastic change, so that you experience deep learning and integration in your life and your coaching practice.
  • Professional Transformation: You will work with your own coaching practice, to identify your own preferences, learning strategies, and blindspots and to help your clients identify theirs.
  • Peer Learning: Program participants are selected with great care, so that you are in a supportive environment of skilled practitioners who contribute to one another’s growth.
  • Diverse Learning Modalities: From interactive sessions to hands-on practices, case studies to participant sharing, breakout groups to guided reflections… every element of the program is a stepping stone toward practical skill mastery.
  • Aligned to ICF Competencies: The program is designed for coherence in process and material. You’ll strengthen connections between the neuroscience research, your own personal journey, and your professional development. And you’ll do it all through the lens of the ICF (International Coaching Federation) competencies.

What our students have to say about the Next Level program

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How it works

The program runs in workshop format, calibrated for intensive learning and significant progress.

Over 10 weeks, we’ll meet for six 3-hour workshops, over Zoom, including breakout groups, case studies, participant sharing, guided reflection assignments, and supplementary - supportive materials.

Each session will deepen your understanding of the Certificate program content, giving you a chance to practice, apply, and make them an integral part of your practice.

The program runs from September 23 to December 2, 2024.

The 6 sessions run from 11 am to 2 pm (EST, Montreal) on the following Mondays:

September 23 | October  7 & 21 | November  4 & 18 | December 2

Elevate your coaching – and earn 38 CCEUs

The Next Level program is designed to be deeply transformative – and we’re proud to say that the International Coaching Federation has recognized the depth of learning we provide.

When you complete the program, you’ll earn 38 CCE (Continuing Coach Education) units – 21 Core Competency and 17 Resource Development.

Alongside ICF’s required ethics course, that’s enough to renew your 3-year certification in just 10 weeks!

So what’s the investment?

You can join the program for just $2995 or 6 payments of $575, USD

But you should know – admission to this program is by interview only. And the class is limited to just 12 participants.

So be sure to complete the form below.


$2995 or 6 payments of $575

All amounts are in USD

Admission to this program is by interview only, and the class is limited to 12. Click here

now to register your interest.


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