Yes, I want to discover the 5 little-known neuroscience insights that will make me a better coach!
5 Little-Known Neuroscience Insights
That Will Make You
a Better Coach
In this free report, you’ll discover 5 surprising, evidence-based ways to create more psychological safety for your clients – so they can release shame, reduce stress, and take more action toward their goals.
New brain science research holds the key to more effective coaching
Irena's material is current and cutting edge. What I have learned has been immediately applicable to my coaching.
Bruce Hostetter // ADHD certified life coach
Irena talks about things that other people don't talk about, and she's very deliberate about translating conceptual neuroscience into practical application. It is really valuable to stay on the edge of what's happening in the dynamic world of neuroscience, as it applies to coaching.
Donna Schumell // Partner, The Disruptive Element
Irena O'Brien, PhD
Irena O’Brien teaches coaches and helping professionals how to achieve better results for their clients with neuroscience.
She is the founder of The Neuroscience School, which helps practitioners understand and apply insights from cutting-edge neuroscience research. She loves seeing her students gain confidence in their ability to evaluate neuroscience findings and use them successfully in their own practice. Her Certificate Program in Neuroscience is certified by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) for Continuing Coaching Education credit.
Dr. O’Brien has studied neuroscience for 25 years. She holds a Ph.D. in neuroscience from the Université du Quebec à Montréal (UQAM), where she did brain imaging studies. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Centre for Language, Mind and Brain at McGill University.
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5 Little-Known Neuroscience Insights That Will Make You a Better Coach