Neuroscience around the Web – Issue 14

Here are some interesting articles I found on the web recently:
Work less

You've heard that it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert at anything? That's 4 hrs a day of deliberate practice over 10 years. Deliberate practice is very energy draining and, during this time, experts also spent 12,500 hours in deliberate rest and slept for 30,000 hours. It turns out that many of the greats worked only 4 hours or so a day. It's not just work that makes us smarter and more creative. It's also how we rest and how we sleep.

Looking wealthier makes you look more intelligent

Whether we like it or not, "people whose clothes make them look ‘richer’ are automatically judged more competent." This happens within 100 milliseconds and is hard to avoid, even when we're aware of it and try to avoid it. First impressions are almost impossible to avoid.

Another reason to stop multi-tasking

Besides losing a significant part of your day (psychologists estimate this at 40%), multi-tasking can create additional stress, sadness and fear. And this can have significant consequences on workplace culture.

Watching the news can be bad for your health

The news can meddle with our subconscious, changing how we think and behave. It can lead us to miscalculate certain risks, shape our view of foreign countries, and increase our risk of developing post-traumatic stress, anxiety and depression. "The emotional fallout of news coverage can even affect our physical health,"

It depends on "the amount of autonomy we have at our job, our workload and job demands, and our cognitive ability to deal with those demands." "Job control allows people to set their own schedules and prioritize work in a way that helps them achieve their work goals, while people that are smarter are better able to adapt to the demands of a stressful job and figure out ways to deal with stress."

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