What’s Wrong with Leadership Today?

In this Tedx talk (video below), Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, an organizational psychologist, explains that most male leaders believe that they're more competent than they really are. The best leaders are those that display the boring traits of competence, humility and integrity. Here's a summary of what he says about why we keep promoting incompetent men, and how to promote more women into leadership. 


We keep promoting incompetent men because of:

  1. 1
    Our inability to distinguish between confidence and competence
  2. 2
    Our love for charismatic individuals
  3. 3
    Our inability to resist the lure of narcissistic individuals - people with grandiose and megalomanaic visions

He says that much of the self-help advice for success encourages narcissism. The solution?

  1. 1
    Focus on promoting leaders who display competence, humility, and integrity, which would lead to a higher proportion of female leaders. Research shows that women score higher on these measures.
  2. 2
    Distrust our instincts because they lead us to promote narcissistic men.
  3. 3
    Don't ask women to behave like incompetent men (lean in) and don't ask men to display the traits of our leadership archetypes.

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