Here are some interesting studies I found on the web recently:
Anaerobic Exercise to Relieve Stress
A recent review of 38 studies has found that anaerobic exercise, such as weight training, is beneficial for relieving stress. It "is associated with increases in BDNF – brain-derived neurotrophic factor – which may help foster beneficial structural and functional changes in the brain."
Lack of Sleep Makes You More Volatile
Here's a new study finding that only a couple of nights of 2 - 4 hours of sleep restriction can make you angrier and more frustrated. In addition, lack of sleep increases negative emotions, such as anxiety and sadness, and decreases positive emotions, such as happiness and enthusiasm
The Many Benefits of Exercise
"If it was a pill, exercise would be a trillion-dollar money-maker prescribed to everyone. Exercise reduces risk of depression, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and many cancers, and prevents early death."
Stress Can Lead to Brain Shrinkage
Stress in middle age is now linked to memory loss and brain shrinkage before we experience any symptoms. "When we are stressed, cortisol levels increase because that is our fight-or-flight response." But resilience gives us some control over our stress.
Mindfulness May not Be Good for Productivity
While it is a fast-growing industry, "to think the antidote to what ails you is to ‘just be’ is probably a welcome message, but it’s pure speculation.” "The most reliable studies have found that mindfulness can help with depression, pain management and substance abuse outcomes," but "fewer studies have looked at its effects beyond medical clinics, and mindfulness is being introduced into workplaces in the absence of top-notch trials."